In our practices we often have gnarly questions about whether to take a case, what discovery to serve, specific evidence needed to get past SJ, how the case might be viewed by a jury (whether it has street appeal), what to do with obstructionist counsel, or even how to address ethical issues that rear their head during the course of litigation. As most of our members are solos or practice in a small firm there are not often sufficient opportunities to bounce our thoughts or issues off of other lawyers. While membership in PELA, and the use of the listserv often allows for such assistance, it does not always suffice.
The brown bag lunch for May is “Bring Your Thorny Cases”. It will present the opportunity for members to get the benefit of other members’ collective experience (good and bad) and expertise in employment law. Because we only have the lunch hour we have limited the # of cases that will be considered to 5. Since there is a limited # available, respond to Ralph as early as possible so that your case will get the attention you desire. As part of the process we are asking that members whose cases are chosen for discussion provide no more than a one page summary of the facts and issues beforehand.
For purposes of maintaining confidentiality please don’t include client names or information that would enable someone to identify your client based on the circumstances of the case unless you have client consent to disclose her or his information. Additionally, we won’t discuss cases in which a PELA member is on the other side.
Colorado Plaintiff Employment Lawyers Association is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization.