In this new world of Zoom depositions and court appearances, many of us have tried our hand at virtual lawyering. Our panelists, Allison Derschang of Arckey & Associates and Shelby Woods of HKM Employment Attorneys, have more experience than most, having even conducted hearings (and a trial!) over Zoom. Come join a discussion, moderated by Bob Truhlar of Truhlar and Truhlar, about creative ways to avoid the challenges and pitfalls of virtual depositions and testimony.
Or dial (301) 715-8592 and enter meeting ID 820 7231 8209#
When: Tuesday, February 23, 2021, 12:00 to 1:15 p.m.
What to bring: Your face/a cat filter ("I'm not a cat") and your lunch or snack
Approved for 1 general CLE credit
Participation of attendees by video and questions will be welcome. We hope this will be a member get together in addition to a CLE.
Colorado Plaintiff Employment Lawyers Association is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization.